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To get drunk or already getting drunk

Man i am getting tuned tonight!

by FHS Kid January 28, 2006

69πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A car that is maxed out in power and has all the best possible parts for it

look at that tuned zonda c12s

by chris gray January 5, 2005

38πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Stating that someone or something competing lost badly at whatever activity.

Dude, we got tuned in last night's soccer game, we lost 9-0.


Your'e getting tuned man, just give up.

by hektor January 28, 2005

30πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


facetuned af

bro trust me her face doesn't look like that, she tuned the fuck out of that picture

by ggitter_girl March 20, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

In Tune

Knowing What’s Going On

β€œThey Planning On An Indictment”
β€œI Been In Tune”

by NYLINGO101 November 24, 2019


The step before dating, usually at this stage both people are aware they like each other but choose to get to know each other/flirt first. Probably the cutest and funnest stage.

WARNING: lack of official relationship may cause one of the people involved in tuning to believe dating/hooking up/tuning with others is acceptable.

cameron: "oi bra, who you tuning?"
jake: "hey man, that new chick kirsty"
cameron: "aw yeah she's real hot! but what happened to jess?"
jake: "still got her, tunin = freedom"

by realies July 26, 2011

498πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


Chatting up in a flirtatious manner to advance towards a sexual or romantic relationship

Me: He cheated on me.
My mate: With who?
Me: I don't know, he was tuning some random girls on Tinder...
My mate: Looks like a fuckboi, talks like a fuckboi, is a fuckboi.

by Killossal April 1, 2017

1872πŸ‘ 647πŸ‘Ž