Interim Friends, they're the people with who you immediately become acquainted when you're in a new setting, such as a new school or place of work, but then once you settle yourself in, you naturally drift apart.
They're the people you start talking to because you don't know anyone else, and they're nearby.
You probably don't have a lot in common, but you find it easy enough to make general social chat with them.
You're "friends" with them so you won't be by yourself, whilst at the same time you're scouting to find a friend group with which you share more interests.
An Interim friend can be almost anyone, sometimes they might just be one person who you sort of know and talk to, they could be a group of people.
Maybe you and your interim friend are finding it harder and harder to talk to each other, and you've drifted apart. You've been there for a month now, and already you and your interim friend see are moving in different directions, towards different groups
Maybe the Interim friend group has more in common with each other, and they stick together, whilst you find yourself the outsider, in which case you naturally move to find people who "get you".
John: Hey, what's Joe up to these days, you used to be friends?
Jack: Oh, I was never really that close with Joe, he was more of an interim friend
John: Interim friend? What does that mean?
Jack: I hung out with him when I first joined because I didn't know anyone else here. Now that I'm friends with you and our friend group, I stopped talking to him
John: That's a good term to use, Interim Friends