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1. Work that has been niggerriged.

2. Work done without any aparent consirn for safety to the end user of the product or the task of production.

3.A word expressed with a tone of racism to convey a feeling of pissed-offededness.

1. "The jobsite was full of niggerriggery."

2. "I got fuct up by some niggerriggery."

3. "The perminate connection was lost, because it was niggerriged, so the park lights were off, due to someone's niggerrigery."

4."That shit was some fucked up niggerriggery."

by SchizoFranticClown December 13, 2008

23👍 4👎


A ratio of being pissed off and being offended at any given time: A measurement of the anger you feel toward people, things, or events at a specific moment.

1. "My pissed-offedness cranked up after the waiter came outside to say we didn't tip him."

2. "It gave me a feeling of pissed-offedness."

3. "That goat fuck niggerriggery is not helping my pissed-offedness."

by SchizoFranticClown December 13, 2008

8👍 1👎