used as an exclamation to describe when someone commits a good scheist, Answers a tough question correctly in a timely manner, or when someone places a praticulary skillfull, deepcuting, well placed/though-out diss or insult upon someone else.
Often when being used to describe an insult it is exclamed after the insult in a pastense manner (sniped)
When Ken Jennings got a quite difficult question right one of the other contestants yelled "snipe!"
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The act of stealing or "swiping" something.
Often used as an exclamation during or directly after the actually scheisting as if to say "hah! i just snatched somehting ".
prounced sh-eye-st
When one scheists something in plain view of the owner it is called a "legal-scheist."
John scheisted Henery's yogurt and yelled "Scheist!"
Because the scheist occured right in front of henery it was a legal-scheist.
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