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The art of having more awesome than the competition. However this is not a chirp or insult as your counter part contains a great amount of awesome to be recognized. BUT to be awesomer, one must possess a skill that is noticed and commented on by others. Therefore, it is not permitted for one to title his or herself awesomer than someone else, nor can an individual classify a possession of theirs to being awesomer than another. Awesomer is a compliment and must be received as a statement of achievement. Be warned, as a result of a self-awesomer proclamation, the person is demoted to Chuck Norris rank, once cool, but now a try hard over effort loser thanks to World Of Warcraft commercials.

The story of Awesomer*

One day at the bar, a cute server sparked a conversation with a patron regarding the very existence of the word awesomer. Since she never received that honorable mentions of being awesomer, it was in her beliefs that the word was fictitious.

Unfortunately, this is an example of someone getting their feelings hurt because awesomer IS a word, but was never in context that included the cute server. This is always a possibility within the realm of awesomer.

by ScottiePrize January 15, 2012