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If you know a Meadow you are one lucky person. They are usually very sweet on the outside, yet sometimes they have their moments. They are quick to defend their friends and family. They are usually what you call the mom of the friend group. They usually are somewhat tanned with brown hair and brown eyes. They also usually are some Asian nationality.

Wow, you know a Meadow?! Sick!!!

by Scraloni August 23, 2018

165πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A unique type of retard that only applies to people with the name of Reid. Reidtards are usually white fuckboys who try to act hard and ghetto but end up making fools of themselves. Many times they have sly grins and laugh loudly at their own jokes and at normal things, such as a waitress asking for their order.

Ugh, he tries to act so tough but heҀ™s just a reidtard...

by Scraloni January 3, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž