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Scribble scrabble

Scribble Scrabble is when a 2 year old (of any gender) and a 69 year old man hook up. Generally it’s a grandfather and son, scribble scrabble usually takes place in the bathroom.

Drake: I heard that scribble scrabble is legal in Alabama.

Josh: No way!! I know where I’m moving.

by Scribblescrabble69 March 20, 2019

3👍 10👎


The only real religion. Following sheepy our lord and savior you have the freedom to do anything you want. He is not illegal like that stupid bitch jesus christ, sheepy does not promote underage drinking. Because SHEEPY FOLLOWS THE LAWS. ALL PRAISE SHEEPY. ALL PRAISE SHEEPY. ALL PRAISE SHEEPY. ALL PRAISE SHEEPY. ALL PRAISE SHEEPY.

sidni yorkshire: the mancini sleepword sheep is so ugly lmfaooo
iksha: i- you’re kidding me dude

swanny: sheepy is my savior
iksha: we can’t be friends is you don’t follow sheepyism
misha: all praise sheepy

by Scribblescrabble69 October 3, 2019