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A city in southwest England characterised by the preponderance of people with upward turned noses. Rumoured to be the inspiration for the South Park episode where everyone buys a Prius and inhales their own farts. Extremely posh, if you ignore the several billion homeless people, who presumably got evicted because they could no longer afford to pay Mayfair prices for a damp, smelly roomshare operated by the hippy daughter of a no doubt thoroughly disappointed but wealthy father.

"Wanna go to Bath this weekend so we can pay £28 for a loaf of bread and some organic hummus?"

"Sounds great. Let me just go pin my nose to my forehead first"

by Scrzabble October 16, 2020

3👍 3👎


A city in southwest England famous for the amount of upward turned noses who live there. Rumoured to be the inspiration for that South Park episode where everyone buys a Prius and inhales their own farts. Extremely posh, if you ignore the several billion homeless people who presumably got evicted because they could no longer afford to pay Mayfair prices for a damp, smelly roomshare.

"Wanna go to Bath this weekend so we can pay £28 for a loaf of bread and some organic hummus?"

"Sounds great. Let me just go pin my nose to my forehead first".

by Scrzabble October 16, 2020

Jacob Rees-Mogg

A UK politician who wears a top-hat and idolises Victorian England. He enjoys various pastimes such as getting rid of his human excrement by having his servants throw it from his tower upon the heads of the peasants, rallying to abolish the right to water for anyone without an income above £1m per annum, and hunting the homeless for sport.

"Jacob Rees-Mogg! Clean up after yourself, my boy! You've left dismembered homeless people on the marble floors again!".

by Scrzabble October 18, 2020

20👍 206👎