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Ballzherone: "A great tennis player."

"Roger Federer is the ballzherone of the century!"

by Seabacethebadace April 12, 2009


Braski: "Someone that is the freaking man, willing to grind on any girl in the room; Big, tall, skinny, or small, he'll bang him all. If he isn't afraid to spade then he is officially known to you as braski."

"Dude look at the guy hook up with that fat girl"

"Stfu dude he's a friggen braski"

by Seabacethebadace April 12, 2009

4👍 13👎


Nukka: "A name for a close black friend."

"Hey wanna go play some ball nukka?"

by Seabacethebadace April 12, 2009

12👍 13👎