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check her out

to stare at a female's body features out of attraction

joe: ayo will you check her out or what John?
john: okay

by SebaliMotherTrucker October 29, 2023


A genre where enbys get preggo and is arguably hotter than mpreg

Greg has a bunch of nbpreg fanfics on his wattpad reading list

by SebaliMotherTrucker July 21, 2024


A term used to describe lesbians, usually used in a derogatory manner

Joe: Hey look at that lezzie over there

by SebaliMotherTrucker October 29, 2023


When you rub your dick between your shortie's thighs repeatedly

kiersten got cum all over those thunder thighs of hers after carl was done doing intercrural with her

by SebaliMotherTrucker July 24, 2024


Used by retarded attention-seeking children who think they are famous after receiving a lot of likes on a like-begging comment

Commenter: shut the fuck up

by SebaliMotherTrucker November 1, 2023

5👍 1👎

Pixar Mom

A woman with a very curvacous, voluptuous and feminine body, akin to typical mothers portrayed in Pixar movies

dayummmm she built like a pixar mom

by SebaliMotherTrucker November 3, 2023


when you take a piss outside in the cold and blistering weather, then go back inside and ur penis hurts like hell

can also apply if u take a piss almost straight after drinking carbonated drinks

aw man i just had a zapper

by SebaliMotherTrucker November 3, 2023