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Leslie Middle School

Leslie middle school is a middle school located in Salem, Oregon.

Here’s what you need to know, everyone is a pathological liar, everyone who you think is your friend is probably talking bad about you behind your back. Fights are lame don’t get into them! it’s useless. Everyone vapes and loses their V-card here(get use to it.) Most teachers are cool not Ms. Landis though, if you look at her funny you’ll get a referral. Dr. Rockow and Mr. Robinson are very cool and fun teachers, make friends with them!

All the events are lame and useless, don’t go! the food is even worse! not edible at all and the meat isn’t even real. Want real meat? check the boys bathroom.

Leslie is going to be a long tiring school and you’ll be so excited when you can finally leave!

You also went to Leslie Middle School? It gave me PTSD.

by Secret_acc0untt April 14, 2024