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John Hodgman

John Hodgman is a witty Yale-educated humorist known for his contributions to Apple's "Get a Mac" ads and as a Resident Expert for 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'. He plays the role of the PC in the 'get a mac' commercials, but in real life he is a mac user.

•He is the author of 'The Areas of My Expertise', which is a compendium of complete world knowledge (A.K.A. lies). Though he acknowleges they are in fact untrue, his quietly-convincing, deadpan humor style will make you think otherwise.

•He first started being a regular on TDS soon after he promoted his book on the show. He was invited back to be a contributor/correspondent.

•He is the host of an entertaining series called 'The Little Gray Book Lectures', which are humorous demonstrations, discussions, readings, songs, and presentations. He is accompanied by Jonathan Coulton, a talented singer/songwriter who is his friend and trubadour.

•He is a former professional literary agent; he worked for Bruce Campbell.
He later contributed to Mcsweeney's 'Ask a Professional Literary Agent'.

•He has appeared on 'This American Life' and made many contributions to them

•He plays the 'Deranged Millionaire' in They Might Be Giants' Venue Songs DVD

•His favorite words are 'that', 'is', and 'all'. I wonder why...

John Kellogg Hodgman generally kicks ass. Enough said.

Interviewer: "Has becoming an author made you more contemptuous of the lesser-beings in society, i.e. your readers?"

John Hodgman: "You would have to be an ass to ask such a question.

That is all."

by Sereth March 16, 2007

33👍 5👎

Barrack Obama

Barrack is a democrat and has a good chance to be the first black man to ever be president.

Unfortunately, because he is black, he get pumelled by the media for the dumbest shit.

"HOMG, did you hear that Barrack went to a madrassa when he was a little kid? TERRORIST. CALL THE MARINES."

"Oh noes, Barrack Obama's white southern mom's great great great great grandfather owned a slave! OH MY GOD HOW."

"What a horrible man. He just paid his college parking tickets now. What has life come to?"

by Sereth March 16, 2007

455👍 494👎

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a democrat running in the presidential elections of 2008. He has a good chance to be the first black man to ever be president.

Unfortunately, because he is black, he get pumelled by the media for the dumbest shit. I just loooove this country.


"HOLY SHIT, Barack Obama's white southern mom's great great great great grandfather owned a slave!"

""What a horrible man. He just paid his college parking tickets now. What has life come to?"

"His dad made him go to a MADRASSA as a child!? That makes me question whether or not hes a terrorist. He says hes a christian now, but once youre a muslim, youre always a muslim, right?"

"Oh no! He dabbled in drugs when he was a youngster! Instead of taking care of my son who is probably getting high on meth while I don't know it, I'm gong to have a hissy fit because a candidate tried to hide that he was a smoker. Surely, having such a shameful habit, he should be open with us! How can we trust him?"

by Sereth March 25, 2007

1480👍 3300👎


A conservative turned media whore.
They will constantly interrupt people when it is not their turn to talk, and do just about everything to get their voice heard.

The legend has it that after the conservative has proved themself to be batshit crazy, he/she/it signs a pact with the Devil, and then are promised a half-life full of airtime.

The only reason that the devil deals with these people is because of his ties with Faux-er, I mean Fox-News.
He totally makes serious moolah when these goons appear on TV.

Needless to say, these people give a bad name to the respectable and sensible conservatives.


"Ann Coulter is a prime example of a conservaskank; she kept interrupting the show's host even though he was agreeing with her, thus showing the world what a crazy bat she is."

"Debbie Schlussel is only invited onto various news and radio stations because of her retarded political views. Her purpose is to mystify people with her unsolvable mystery: How someone so well-educated has turned into such a racist, ignorant, webtrolling conservaskank."

"Hey man, that person is really conservaskankin'!"

by Sereth April 8, 2007

45👍 16👎