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sniffy jiffy

Cocaine or other snorted crystal powder drugs.

I got some sniffy jiffy and booger sugar! Your nostrils will LOVE me!

by Serpentine June 2, 2006

3👍 5👎


a unique term of endearment orginating from the pakistani word for care taker, babu. which also has roots in strange underbelly of tired under caffinated office workers and 4am friends. all in all an odd evolution of baby which refers to the fact that damn it is good to see you again.

"hey bubba" - god am i glad to see you.

by Serpentine August 23, 2003

11👍 24👎


Literally the scum of the earth. I don't care what anyone says, a gypsy is a gypsy. Whether you're one of those inbred Irish gypsies or a Romany gypsy... A gypsy is someone who will steal from a farmer's field, sit on the produce with their sweaty brown gypsy ass for an hour, then try to sell it to you. You refuse, and they attempt to slit your throat. Cowards while alone, and dirty crazy rabid monkeys when together, they'll rob you blind, knock your face in unless you carry an anti-gypsy device. They live on the street in most of europe, and wear weird clothes. Typical drunk, child abusive people.

To the person before who said they were a working gypsy:
"Ha! Don't lie! How'd you get the job? Gypsies are too poor to afford clothes for interviews... Did you steal them, or did 5 generations of your people save to buy that shitty blazer that got you the job?"

That gypsy stole my wallet, and shoved a knife into my thigh. I wonder how he can eat with all those teeth missing...

by Serpentine June 12, 2006

183👍 258👎