The proper usage of the word for a cannabis rolled blunt remains, rather than saying roaches as where it is actually rol'ches because they are rolled.
I smoke the blunts over time and left more than one rol'ch that is rol'ches.
a drous is inbetween a gulp and a chug that you take from a drink that will put your dick in the dirt! It's when you take a drink or rather a drous and you feel your liquid you are intaking goes straight down and through your dick and hits the dirt like an anchor from a huge cruise ship! It goes in the order like this sip, slurp, swig, swallow, gulp, drous, chug, glug, draft, drink, drinks, keg, kegs. So tell your people and let them know so everybody is aware of the correct order of intaking a beverage of any flavor liquid in measurements.
I was hanging with my celestial friends celebrating and some of my mansion's roommates when they gave me a drous of the hard liqour they were drinking that put my dick in the dirt and I felt run all the way down through my phalus that plumblined it like an anchor from a Yacht learning that I had a plumbing business the next day to run and get my crew to their jobs in our work truck! Talk about work force power potency in a beverage from on High in the Heavenly Bar from the HIgh Priest of heaven offering both bread and wine in the order of Melchezidek!
A descriptive word or complimentary word carrying the meaning of being sexy in a princessy type of way or a kind way of telling someone they are sexy with princess qualities.
"Excuse me kind lady, has anyone ever told you, you were cessy!" He replied "Cessy!? What does that mean? " She replied "Check it out in the urban dictionary" He left her with briefly
The breath of the Gods and very atmosphere of heaven. On Mount Olympus the upper atmosphere above the clouds was known as ether. Also put in cocaine.
If I were to breathe ether my whole life I would never die a physical death and would dwell in immortality all the days of my life.
a swig is between a sip and a gulp when you take some of your celestial besties family friend's drink!
I took a swig from my fiance's fountain drink she got at the store after she went to the ATM to get her money from her job she is tasked with and on assignment to complete from heaven with the divine blueprint of the Heavenly FaTHer God of Gods and goddesses YHVH ELohim New Jerusalem 12 gemstoned City of God with 12 pearly gates that never close and that there is no night there because it is always thriving and booming electric super charging atmospheric energy kraking fissures in the world! BAM!
a military like keen awareness of your surroundings as if to keep cautiously prepared if anything were to happen
In the streets of South Central you have to walk with some type of militude to survive, otherwise the dawgs come and get you when you least expect it.
Once the spirit is aroused by God and given so much pleasure in worship; or like a spiritual orgasm caused by God
I have many Godgasms a day in my relationship with God. Tune in and Rapture!