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When you go to smack dat ass one good time, and you have to wear a mask cause you can't see a motherfuckin thing cause that shit has been closed up for years, that's a motherfucking hint to get out the dustbuster with a 14.4 volt battery for the son bitch.

Damn, Walker smack ya wife around at least once a year so when Triple B goes to hit it, his allergies don't flare up. get out the damn dustbuster...

by Sewdogg May 2, 2005

36πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

mudd butt

When you go to the toilet and a big ass soft serve shiat and you use a whole roll of toilet to clean your funky a$$; taking a huge "pudding" type shiat; Normally smells like big Punn took that shiat;

Damn Punn, you got a bad case of the mudd butt.. Smells like Los Reyes up in this biatch!

by Sewdogg October 15, 2010

31πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

sew diggity

A straight up pimp, walks with a limp, wears his hat to the side, you best run and hide, itҀ™s goin down like a rodeo clown. You might have heard of him..

Hey yo, is that Sew Diggity creepin while ya sleeping around Head Mountain..

by Sewdogg December 24, 2018

white rain

Whena a motherfucker sux so bad in Fantasy sports and beats off in the shower cause his wife won't hook him up, he has to get the White Rain out.

Damn Walker, your team sux. You win the White Rain award...

by Sewdogg April 28, 2005

16πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž