Source Code

Dirty Matt

When you live stream to your friends on discord you pulling down your pants and your millimeter defeater shows the bulbus tip.

Bro Matt pulled a Dirty Matt last night when we were gaming.

by SexMaster2099 July 18, 2023

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Dirty Finger Hole

The act of laying on your back farting so hard you ass starts to gape then sticking your moist finger you have been sucking on for 20 minutes up your gaping asshole and farting a little to hard and getting some poo poo on you finger tip after your ass closes on your finger trapping it like a Chinese finger trap concealing your finger forever in your puckering anus.

Bro last night I did a Dirty Finger Hole to myself.

by SexMaster2099 July 17, 2023

Dirty Kali

A dirty Kali is when a girl with a fatty come over to you at lunch in school and sits on your face and in the act of eating her out she sharts leaving a starfish brown stain on your forehead. ( Best experienced with a vibrator toy in ass on max vibration )

dude shqueefa and I did a dirty kali during school yesterday

by SexMaster2099 July 17, 2023


The act of making a squeaking sound when doing something physically straining

James was guooking when benching his PR yesterday

by SexMaster2099 March 14, 2024

Dirty Zed

When a Zed run at you pants down to the ankles with punker sloppy wet butthole dripping down the path (like gasoline) then you light a match and watch the trial burn up to the ass and set all the hairs on fire till it gets to the dirty stick hole but chars it.

Dude I pulled a dirty zed last night in DayZ.

by SexMaster2099 December 23, 2023


The act of giving one self turf burn on their genitals during a sporting match (V.)

I was playing goalie in soccer and they were on the other side of the field so I started Turfen

by SexMaster2099 March 30, 2024