(verb) said of a conversation, an activity, a book or a movie: to become dull, boring, meaningless, and/or redundant (or any combination thereof)
oy a) I am going home, guys, this conversation is beginning to sift flour. I have homework to do anyways.
boys b and c) Peter, suit yourself, we are not forcing you to further participate in the conversation if you don't feel like it.
(verb) said of a conversation, an activity, a book or a movie: to become dull, boring, meaningless, and/or redundant
boy a) I am going home, guys, this conversation is beginning to sift flour. I have homework to do anyways.
boys b and c) Peter, suit yourself, we are not forcing to further participate in the conversation.
(verb) said of a conversation, an activity, a book or a movie: to become dull, boring, meaningless, and/or redundant (or any combination thereof)
boy a) I am going home, guys, this conversation is beginning to sift flour. I have homework to do anyways.
boys b and c) Peter, suit yourself, we are not forcing you to further participate in the conversation.
a very offensive term for a megalomaniacal, arrogant, chutzpan, self centered, navel gazing individual who has few or no friends in society.
Dudley Dursley from the Harry Potter series would probably be the the perfect epitome of a navel gazer
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(semi-offensive term):
a) (offensive ): A person in North America, born after 1970 (or so), who is past 18 years of age and who is still virgin for non religious, non-family and non ethnic related reasons
b) a person in North America born after 1950, who was never mentally ill, yet who never had any close friends either when they were a bratager and idiotager, and turned out fine when they became young adults.
Among modern North American teenagers obsessed with such sociological concepts as swag and yolo, it is not royal flush to be a social retard under definition a), or if you already fit definition a), you would be considered a social a social retard under definition b).
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social retard
(semi-offensive term):
a) (offensive ): A person in North America, born after 1970, who is past 18 years of age and who is still virgin for non religious, non family, non endo-ethnic arranged marriage reasons.
b) a person in North America who was born after 1950, who was never mentally ill, yet who never had any close friends either when they were a bratager and idiotager, and turned out fine when they became young adults.
Among modern North American teenagers obsessed with such sociological concepts as swag and yolo, it is not royal flush to be a social retard under definition a), unless you want to, on your own free will, for who knows what reason, to star in the remake of the movie The 40 Year Old Virgin.
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social retard
A person in North America, who is past 18 years of age and who is still virgin for non religious reasons.
Among modern North American teenagers obsessed with swag and yolo, it is not flash to be a social retard, unless you want to lol in the remake of the movie the 40 Year Old Virgin.
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