Not to be confused w antisemitism or Islamophobia.
Since Muslims are semites too, antisemitism is Islamophobia and jüdenphobia combined.
a) spontaneously doing things and trying to accomplish big projects without having though them through comme du monde
b) going on unplanned, retargerous (to most rational people), harebrained adventures
i don't want my kids travelling 'round the world like gypsies and pirates; i want them to grow up pragmatic and rational people.
a) a gathering of people sharing the same vocational field.
b) a supreme legal, judicial and executive council of elders in extant tribal societies.
boy a) have you heard of the Mumba-Yumba tribe, it's somewhere in Africa. Would you know if they have a Sanhedrin?
boy b) sorry dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am a history, not an anthropology, major. Therefore your question is not my brand of whiskey. And here is more cattle fodder. My dad and uncle are holding a chemistry and biochemistry Sanchedrin at Bakersville Hall, my late grandparents' country estate.
a) a supreme legal, executive and judicial council in extant tribal societies in the non-Western world.
b) a conference of people in the same vocational field.
boy a) have you heard of the Mumba-Yumba tribe, it's somewhere in Africa. Would you know if they have a Sanhedrin?
boy b) sorry dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am a history, not an anthropology, major. Therefore your question is not my brand of whiskey. And here is more cattle fodder. My dad and uncle are also holding a chemistry and biochemistry Sanchedrin at Baskerville Hall, my late grandparents' country estate.
a) a supreme legal council, which deals with local legal, judicial and executive matters, in modern tribal societies in the non-Western world.
b) a conference of people in the same vocational field.
boy a) have you heard of the Mumba-Yumba tribe, it's somewhere in Africa, if i am not mistaken. Would you know if they have a Sanhedrin?
boy b) sorry dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am a history, not an anthropology, major. Therefore your question is not my brand of whiskey. And here is more cattle fodder. My dad and uncle are also holding a chemistry and biochemistry Sanchedrin at Baskerville Hall, my late paternal grandparents' country estate.
boy a) wow.
a) a nicer way of telling someone to stfu
b) to put a finger up a man's butthole in order to check for prostate cancer
if you don't want prostate cancer, don't be afraid to as your doctor, under definition b) above to put the bowstring up your pipehole
A nicer way of saying " I don't need your help, I am good the way I am"
Mom: can I help you with your homework?
Son: no thanks, I am cool like that.
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