Since Muslims are semites too, jüdenphobia is hatred and fear of jews only
The real definition of antisemitism
Fake antisemitism includes jüdenphobia and Islamophobia, since both jews and Muslims are semites.
A new word for anti semitism-Islamophobia. Antisemitism also includes Islamophobia since Muslims are semites too.
Jüdenphobia is neither anti semitism nor Islamophobia
Since Muslims are semites too, I prefer the term jüdenphobia instead of antisemitism
Antisemitism- Islamophobia.
Since middle eastern Muslims are semites as well I decided to invent the term jüdenphobia too.
A specific type of antisemitism.
Jüdenphobia is hatred of jews only; antisemitism is supposed to be reserved for hatred of both jews and Muslims, since the semitic race of people includes both jews and Muslims.
Hatred of jews. Not antisemitism+ Islamophobia
Jüdenphobia is actually different from anti semitism since Arabs are semites too.