Source Code

Button pusher

One who likes to push buttons. That is, a person who enjoys getting people irritated and starting fights and arguments; a colloquial term for an instigator.

Not to be confused with button masher.

Sarah: Ooh, that Steve is such a dick! He keeps making fun of my weight even though he knows I'm sensitive about it. Kate, do you think I'm fat??

Kate: No, no. Don't worry about Steve, he's just a button pusher.

by ShAdOwZ August 7, 2009

55👍 18👎

I'm fine

1. The more polite way to say "No, get lost."
2. The general response to any question asking how you are doing or feeling.

"I'm fine."

"How're you doing?"
"I'm fine."
"What's going on with you?"
"I'm fine."
"How's life?"
"I'm fine."
"Jesus, can't you say anything else?"
"I'm fine."

by ShAdOwZ May 24, 2009

198👍 61👎

Sleeping around

When someone has been having sex with several different people.

Sometimes used pejoratively when referring to a person in a relationship who's been cheating on his or her partner.

Betty: I heard you want to break up with Jim.
Susan: Yeah, I think he's been sleeping around.

Carl: Kimberly is such a whore.
Tyrone: Yeah, I heard she's been sleeping around a lot.

by ShAdOwZ February 28, 2009

92👍 30👎

Night Terror

1. A parasomnia sleep disorder usually characterized by massive terror in the subject. Also, the subject usually cannot be woken up by outside means until the night terror is finished, because it takes place in the deepest stages of sleep. Night terrors may include screaming, seizures, tremors, and emotions of panic or extreme fear.

2. Nightmare, the demon within Soul Edge that posesses Sigfried Schtauffen in the Soul Edge series, becomes Night Terror in Soul Calibur III. The power of Soul Edge, combined with that of Soul Calibur and the remains of Nightmare, provided enough power to turn Soul Edge into Soul Edge (Complete). Nightmare, weielding this massive blade, gathers enough power to spawn his own body. This body is Night Terror, a red, firey-winged beast that can fire energy beams and has really cheap attacks. Night Terror cannot be rung out--if the player rings him out, a cutscene will follow showing Night Terror using his wings to fly back up and the battle will resume.

These features, unfortunatley, make Night Terror very cheap. He also cannot be unlocked.

1. Bill: "Woah, dude, Joe had a night terror last night. He was all screamin' and shit. I tried to wake him up but it didn't work, he just kept on screamin' and flailin..."

2. Sam: "Gah! This Night Terror bastard is FUCKIN CHEAP! He keeps shooting laser beams at me and I can't guard them! Damn! It'll take me a while to beat this mofo..."

by ShAdOwZ June 21, 2007

54👍 11👎


Character used in Latin a lot, and still is used in the archaic spellings of some words today. Most of the time, if you spell a word with æ when it doesn't need to be spelled that way, people think you're an uppity bastard.

egyptian -> ægyptian
fairy -> færie
anemia -> anæmia
hemoglobin -> hæmoglobin
hyena -> hyæna
medieval -> mediæval
pedophile -> pædophile
premium -> præmium
eon -> æon

"A mediæval pædophile ate a præmium ægyptian hyæna færie's hæmoglobin æons ago."

by ShAdOwZ March 25, 2009

315👍 107👎

AT mine

Pressure- or tremor-sensitive antitank mine. Vehicle drives over it, it goes boom.

"Jim, stop, there's an AT mine on the road! OH SHI-"

by ShAdOwZ February 19, 2009

6👍 3👎


A not-high-yet-not-too-low end brand of beer. Miller Lite, especially, is popular amongst calorie counters, as it contains less calories than some other "lite" brands.

"Man, could I go for a Miller™ right now."
"Eh...I like Bud™ better than Miller™."

by ShAdOwZ October 5, 2008

4👍 4👎