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urban dictionary

Back when Urban Dictionary was in its early days, I used to respect the site. Sadly, since then many stupid little kids have invaded the place. They spend their days writing prejudiced 'definitions' and dribbling all over their keyboards.

Define my world? Wait, you're right. This shit pile is just an example of how sick and twisted the world is today. If you ever come here for something and you have a heart, chances are you'll be offended by some illiterate, deluded child's definition. (Opinion, I mean.) Solution? Don't visit here again, or better yet, leave the computer for a while.

<ghettog> lol seen the sand nigger defniton on urbn dictonary ?? lmao
<racistpunk33> lmao lol lol gay iraqis lol . seen the def 4 women?
<ghettog> lol dats fukin hilllarus ! now im gna write a def on spastic
<racistpunk33> o k lol im of to play halo3 on xbox live see ya


Urban Dictionary and YouTube must have gotten in bed together.

by ShaunCollier June 10, 2007

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