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Its a common word for the everyday thug of Glasgow. there are many types of ned.
Common ned,Goon Ned,Mad ned,Cheeky ned.
They are either totally respected or else totally hated.They normally go around in big crews or fleetos

Ned : Am gonnae get ma fleeto ontae you ya mad rocket.
Person : Ohno please dont.
Ned: aye well seeing yer feart noo!
**Person punches ned**
**Ned hacks person with a machette and then runs**

by Shawty_kaz April 17, 2004

73👍 59👎


A scottish word for a crew or gang.They are usually consiting of people from that area....almost always are full of mad neds who are scared to walk around themselves in another fleetos territory.

the young mad mental fleeto
The big mad mental fleeto
The young gallston fleeto
The mental muirkirk fleeto

and so on......

by Shawty_kaz April 17, 2004

38👍 13👎


A word me and my cuz made back when we was but little neds..My big cuz was stoned out her face and continually used the word Futhamucka.. since then its had a grip on me and her.. who have spread it through the whole of Scotland and sevral places in England..

Pass us ra spliif futha mucka..

look at da fine asss on futhamucka..


by Shawty_kaz April 17, 2004

3👍 17👎