Has come to mean any woman, usually white, who is an ego centric narcissist with princess entitlement syndrome. Often they demonstrate latent or not so latent racism.
The Karen was raging that the world is against her because a cop gave her a speeding warning.
The Karen made the pleasant and attractive looking woman feel bad because the pleasant attractive woman was pleasant and attractive.
The karen was angry the a black woman became vice president.
A shallow and usually unattractive skinny girl who prides herself on being an arrogant, ignorant, greedy a-hole to give herself false confidence to prevent herself from seeing how much of a miserable PoS she actually is. Basically just another karen. (ie, someone everyone hates).
Also a term that you have to sound like you'te 3 years old to pronounce it, which is about the mental age of the so-called "women" who go around using it.
My ex-girlfriend was a gworl, so I spat on her grave.