Synonym : Manchild with weapons
Vladimir Putins are dangerous and can throw their tantrums anywhen with weapons.
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A fun, time-killing browser game.
Troll trick : In, if you're followed by a bigger player than you, lure them until you find another big player, then crash yourself into one of them. At this point, the other player or both will go to destroy themselves and end their play a few seconds later.
He's a cat kicker, he's a kicker, he's a cat kickerrrrrr. Oh, Kurt Zouma, he's a cat kicker.
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A : There are Superman, Veryman, Ultraman, Extraman, and Teraman. They're all siblings.
B : Whoa, that sounds like frequency ranges! And I can't believe Superman is Ultraman's brother.
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Onomatopoeia in different languages that is similar to this word : Kerepek, Keropok, Kerupuk, Kropek, Kroub, Krob, Kriab, Kiripik, Kroepoek, Crisp, Sakusaku, etc.
It's an Indonesian onomatopoeia word for anything crispy, such as crackers and potato chips/crisps.
This krupuk tastes like crap.
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Arabic accent to pronounce Spain.
Baeya (Paella) and Tabas (Tapas) in Sbain are so delicious.
(n) A cat kicker.
(v) Kick a cat. (for v+ing, it's Kurt Zouming)
(n) You abuse my cat, you f*cking Kurt Zouma!
(v) There's a sign that says No Kurt Zouming (pronounced Zoo-ming) here.