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The Weirder The Better

Anything other than average looks, behavior, personality and all other ways to make you feel weird. Craziness in life will always toss you something that you haven't seen before. It's ok because the weirder the better. You understand it will show up when your not looking.

That guy was fucked up. Hey the weirder the better.

by Shitzami September 13, 2021


While having a conversation with your partner of 22 years. Next thing you know, you have know idea what either one of you are talking about.

Mixalanus, when you are having a conversation with a friend and neither one of you have no idea what your talking about.

by Shitzami August 3, 2021

This Kind

A name for just about anything. "What is the name of that. Shirt?" This Kind I said.

What is the name of that shirt? "This Kind"

by Shitzami August 16, 2020

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