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Virtual Friday

The last day of work or school in a normal work week, due to an extended weekend.

"I'm so glad I have Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. Even though today is only Wednesday it's Virtual Friday!"

by ShoKill November 25, 2008

4436👍 1593👎


An advocate or creator of new vocabulary that has substantial, unique, and relevant meaning to a particular language or culture that has yet to be accepted as part of formal grammar.

Me: I definitely just roffled!
You: What do you mean by roffled?
Me: Roffled is the past tense of the acronym ROFL.
You: You are such a postscriptionist, but I agree that makes perfect sense!

by ShoKill December 18, 2009

9👍 2👎


To be exhausted due to everyone obsessing about the tv show Lost.

Friend 1: I love Benjamin Linus. Lost rules my life.
Friend 2: I'm annoyed with everyone talking about lost.
Friend 3: Yeah, I'm completely exlosted.

by ShoKill February 4, 2010


Full of terror.

Chris: Yeah, his sister just died a few months ago.
Amanda: Oh my god, that's terrorful.

by ShoKill April 15, 2009

5👍 3👎

My Jam

Using the term "My jam" has superceded just being relevant to a specific song that is your favorite. It is relevant to any specific subject matter. It is used to describe any specific thing that you feel you enjoy more than the majority of other options in the same category.

Sushi is my jam.

by ShoKill March 27, 2016

209👍 20👎


A person walking across a street or busy intersection who is missing a leg.
Generally it takes them a long time to get to the other side.

Q: Why did the ampudestrian cross the road?
A: Because he wanted me to be late for work.

by ShoKill October 5, 2007

14👍 2👎


When a female that has authority over you is a total bitch, and is controlling.

Mom: Hey, go buy me some tampons.
Son: No, I have a football game.
Mom: Do it, I made you. Do what I say.
Son: Okay.
Friend: Why didn't you make the game? You're mom is such a cuntrolling bitch.

by ShoKill April 15, 2009

12👍 4👎