An elision of 'nonce' and Sir Lancelot, a Sir Noncealot is a prize pillock or douchebag.
So you're taking advice from Sir Noncealot now are you or did you think nicking that motor was a good idea?
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To get benched, dumped or fired.
You're not working there no more?
Nope, got yanked, spanked and banked, dude.
Tell me about it.
What's up with all the bathroom breaks?
I've got a crimson tidal wave, girl, I'm Muffy the tampon slayer!
The act of getting completely bloto and going up to randos and engaging them in conversation.
Let's have another couple of stiff ones before we go to the pub, want to do some serious pissed bothering tonight!
A sporty or long legged girl.
Wow, your girl is fast, huh?
Yeah, she's a bit of a gazelda.
A criminal.
Joey D's selling his car.
It's probably stolen, that guy's a Felonious Monk.
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Pushing out a turd when receiving a rim job, so your partner gets a mouth full of poo.
Made Emily kiss the turtle last night.
She broke up with you, didn't she?