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A shit-ton is the equal to 2000 shitloads.

We smoked a shit-ton of of bubble gum out of the 6-footer last night and everybody got crippled!

by Sidewaysusa May 17, 2008

20👍 11👎


Partially retarded, as in someone who has just enough I.Q. points to not be considered mentally retarded.

I swear, George W. Bush has a 76 I.Q., he's a par-tar.

by Sidewaysusa February 21, 2009

27👍 66👎

Oozin' machismo

Acting excessively hyper-masculine, derived from the way that bull Elephants secrete a thick smelly liquid(or machismo) when they undergo "Musth" (or Elephant-anarchy) and berzerker-rage on anything that moves including other Elephants,Rhinos and Humans.
Meant to be used in a mocking context.

Person 1: Check out that guy with the Skoal wife-beater, puffin' his chest out and trying to look tough.
Person 2: Oozin' machismo.

by Sidewaysusa February 22, 2009

16👍 1👎