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One who clings to an absurd, phoney "ethic" that is wholly unsupported.

"Vegans" are, almost without exception, juvenile, whiny, soppy, clueless urbanites. They ALWAYS start by claiming to live a "cruelty-free" lifestyle, until the horrible flaw in their own claim is pointed out to them; namely, that tens of thousands of animals are killed in producing the supermarket veggies they happily shovel into their big, fat, gaping pie-holes.

"Vegans" then ALWAYS retreat to claiming they somehow cause "less harm" than non-vegans. This is also unsupportable; someone who buys a half of a grass-fed beef (many, many meals for one death) is certainly causing "less harm" than a whiny, drippy "vegan" shoveling supermarket rice into their cake-hole (many deaths for one meal.)

"Veganism" is sanctimonious self-righteousness parading as an "ethic;" the "ethical" claims of "vegans" are recognized as false by anyone with more than three active brain cells. "Vegans" follow no moral principle; only a cheap, easy, and stupid rule: "Don't put animal parts in your mouth."

The animals killed by "vegans" matter to them not at all - NOT AT ALL - as long as they don't have to see the carcasses.

Ingrid Newkirk, famous moron and supporter of terrorists.

by Signedupman June 29, 2005

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