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Owen is that guy who is just cool to be around. Usually Kind Of Short, Smart, and a pretty good athlete. He gets girls and is a good boyfriend. He has a lot of friends, and will sometimes accidentally say gay things, but he isn't gay. He will lose his virginity before 15 and usually has a dick about 7-10 inches. He doesn't really care if people make fun of him, just laughs and roast them back. Pretty good at video games too. He isn't shy and talks a lot and flirts with girls easily. But every once in a while guys will get more girls than him.

Oh my gawd Lauren, Owen was so good in bed last night and it was like.. his first time

Look at this short ass nigga, hoopin with people 2 feet taller than him

Owen gets in my nerves sometimes in class because he answers all the questions

by SilencerinYoMommasHouse June 29, 2017

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