Source Code

Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ

Origin of word: Japanese

How to read Generation Z+: Generation Z plus
How to read Generation ZZZ: Generation Triple Z

Coincides with: mid to late Gen COVID (Japan) / (Gen Zalpha / late Gen Z depending on one's definition) (Pew/USA) / Heisei Kouhan (translation: Last half of Heisei era 1989-2004/5 = early, 2005/6-2019 being late) (Japan) / 1st wave Homelanders (4th turning) (Strauss-Howe/USA) 2006-2014 = first wave, 2015-2021/22 = second wave, 2022/2023 = third wave.

Kids who knew pre-COVID years, but don't know much about the time before iPhones/iPads. These are the K-8 kids at the beginning of the COVID pandemic and graduate high school sometime between the mid-20s and early-30s (c. 2005/6-2014/5). Incidentally, in the Strauss-Howe generational theory, this will be the first wave of Homelanders (4th turning) 2015-2021/22 being 2nd wave, 2022/23-29 being 3rd wave. These kids grew up with the iPad, OG Fortnite kids.

This is after the Yutori (1988?-1994/5?), Satori Generation (1996/7?-2004/2005) in Japan. This is also after the early gen COVID (Japan): 2001-2004/5.

The term was coined by Japanese high school students in various 2022/2023 surveys, claiming that they defined their generation as Gen COVID as the main indicator, and Generation Z+/ZZZ as a second choice. The reasoning behind the name of Generation Z+ / ZZZ (2005/2006-2014) differing from the earlier years of Gen Z (1997-2004/2005).

Note: Generation Z+ and Generation ZZZ can be interchanged.

Example 1:
Person A (Towards a kid born between 2010-2014): You're Gen alpha.
Person B (Born 2010-2014): No, I'm simply Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ.

Example 2:
Person A (born early Gen Z; 1997-2005ish): Do you remember insert event?
Person B (born in the late 2000s; 2006-2009ish): No way, that's such a Generation Z thing.
Person A: But you're Generation Z, aren't you?
Person B: No, I'm Generation Z+ / Generation ZZZ.

by Silvri June 12, 2024

Homeland Generation

People born 2006-2029 (Crisis 2008-2033?)

Origin: USA / Strauss-Howe Generational Theory

Other names: Generation Z, Generation Zalpha, Generation Alpha, Generation Alphabet, Generation Alphabeta
First generation to be entirely born in the 21st century, they grow up in a world full of iPads, AI, etc. The 1st wave (2006-2014/15 experienced the after-effects of the 2008 financial crisis, the 2nd wave 2015/2016-2021/22 experienced COVID and its after effects as well as chaos in global wars, 2022/2023-2029 will experience some turmoil).
Last of the millennium sacrum. 4th turning/fourth turning.
Winter of the millennium sacrum.

2006 is the first time in since 1971 where the birthrate surpassed 2.1 in the US (needed to maintain population)
Many famous people in Japan were born in this year

Because I was born in 2006, I am a homelander.
2029 is the last year to be born in the Homeland Generation.

by Silvri July 4, 2024