Tedious chaos is a paradoxical event where an event is both long and tiresome, while simultaneously being marked by complete disorder and confusion.
Me: This pandemic really sucks. Will it ever end?
Him: Plus its so confusing. Wear your mask - but also they don't help. There's 10 p.m. that there is a misdemeanor if you get caught driving - but will they enforce it?
Me: Look at what bars are doing - you take your mask off once you sit down - that's helpful
Him: Plus there is so much that is open one day - closed the next. This county is red and this county is purple but last week it was different - you can't keep up with all the news and restrictions.
Me: Its totally fucking tedious chaos.
Tedious chaos is a paradoxical event where an event is both long and tiresome, while simultaneously being marked by complete disorder and confusion.
Me: This pandemic really sucks. Will it ever end?
Him: Plus its so confusing. Wear your mask - but also they don't help. There's 10 p.m. that there is a misdemeanor if you get caught driving - but will they enforce it?
Me: Look at what bars are doing - you take your mask off once you sit down - that's helpful
Him: Plus there is so much that is open one day - closed the next. This county is red and this county is purple but last week it was different - you can't keep up with all the news and restrictions.
Me: Its totally fucking tedious chaos.
Kentucky Junior is another name for Ohio. It is based on new demographics in Ohio and their voting record in the last election.
Him: Did you hear that Ohio is losing its battleground state status?
Me: Where did you hear this?
Him: I saw it on the front page of the newspaper and in a magazine. Our demographics now are lining up with Kentucky - KENTUCKY!
Me: So I guess that makes us Kentucky Junior?
Him: We really have to move!
Set the table are the actions that precede sex that get you in the mood before having sex. Foreplay is the most important part of setting table.
Me: So has your sex life been? I hope he isn't one those guys that won't go down on you, but they expect it for themselves.
Her: No he always sets the table! And a nice table at that!
The collection of artists that stay up night drinking Turkish coffee, for real, coffee.
As I distract myself from insomnia....I go online with the others, who paint, dream out loud, write novels, and sing, etc....we end up so much caffeine that we get tweaked out without drugs....and grab out next coffee. We're the sober tweakers #wickedsobah
Festivities is code for having possession of cocaine that you plan on doing that night.
My neighbor Lori said she has festivities planned for tonight, which by the way means she has cocaine.
When you engage in so many multiple, sometimes crazy, positions during sex that your muscles have gotten a workout. You may even develop sex muscles from it.
Me: The sex was crazy good last night, but he had me wrapped up like a pretzel at times.
Them: What kind of position?
Me: Well in yoga it would the cow pose, or the sphinx pose. Maybe even child's pose.
Them : So you are telling me that you had sex yoga last night?
Me; I guess so!!!