In the Star Wars universe, a sith lord of unknown gender who lived approximately 4,000 years Before Battle of Yavin. Led the Republic to victory in the Mandalorian Wars before disappearing in to the Unkown Regions with much of the Republic Army. The prodigal knight reappeared as Darth Revan, lord of the sith, and launched a successful campaign against the Republic before being betrayed by Darth Malak. A ship-to-ship attack destroyed Revan's mind and left the dark lord in a coma. The prodigal knight's mind was reprogrammed by the Jedi Council, and the reformed sith lord was sent to find the source of the vast resources Darth Revan had employed against the Republic. After the completion of this mission and the death of Darth Malak at Revan's hands, the saviour of the Republic again disappeared into the Unknown Regions. Historians have yet to discover the prodigal knight's fate.
"So, it's like playing chess and switching teams every time you're about to win?"
"Yeah, that's exactly how Darth Revan's life went!
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