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Jentish /Jen-tish/ (Adj.) Describing someone of an evil nature.

"Teacher, Scott is being awfully Jentish to me today~! He stole my eraser!"

by Sirisness March 7, 2007

12👍 8👎


/Fat/ (Adjective) 1.) To describe extreme sarcasm. 2.) Attempts at amusement. Facetiousness.

"Charles was being too phat around his teachers, and was sent to the principals office daily."

by Sirisness March 7, 2007

23👍 32👎


/Bwehb/ (Verb) 'To Bweb' - To argue continuously until you win in a bond villain-type fashion.

"Omg I was Bwebbing so much with this guy last night, but yeah, I pwnd his ass in the most Khellamendra way!"

by Sirisness March 7, 2007

15👍 6👎


/Bayl-fire/(Noun)1.) A word not used in polite company used to refer to the Apocalypse 2.) A profane interjection.

2.) "Holy Baelfyre! We're All Gonna DIE"

by Sirisness March 7, 2007

9👍 3👎