Source Code

Scrote sock

A scrote sock is a sock or look alike in which you use to warm up your pee-pee when it’s cold.

Person A “Lately my pee-pee’s been feeling rather cold and I don’t know what to do”

Person B “You could use a scrote sock”

by Skeeoung April 13, 2024

Potato wagon

This is a “curse” word that a child could use. Although it has a rather derogatory meaning, potato wagon is something a kid could say and nobody would bat an eye. Obviously grown ups can also use this.

Potato wagon is used to indicate that a teacher, most likely an elementary teacher, has a humongous behind.

*In a setting where children are present*

Parent A “So I went to the parent-teacher conference right.”
Parent B “Did it go well?”
Parent A “It did, nothing was wrong although the teacher had the biggest potato wagon i’ve ever seen before!”
Parent B “Was it really that big?”

Parent A “It was! When they turned around there was like an after effect of force and I almost flung backwards.”

by Skeeoung April 13, 2024


Mormon teens version of putting the key in the door but not twisting and just waiting for the door to unlock itself like that. Now replace key with dick and door with vagina.

“You heard the word soaking before?”
“Well it’s basically mormon “sex””

by Skeeoung August 8, 2024

Florida king

A Florida king is a person whose house is a total disgusting mess. It could also be used to describe someone who is kind of a red flag but it could also describe an ick.

Person A “I went to his house right”

Person B “yeah, how’d it go?”
Person A “He showed me his room but his room was more of a forgotten toilet at a deserted gas station. He had just a nasty stained mattress on a dirty carpet, a leftover old bowl of cereal and spoiled milk that smelled horrible, an open can of pepsi and roaches everywhere.”

Person B “Damn he’s a real Florida king”

by Skeeoung April 13, 2024

Wanker bag

A wanker bag functions like a cum rag although instead of a rag its a bag. It could be a sock.

Person A “So how’d the date go?”

Person B “It went alright, I did end up going to his apartment. His apartment was a little messy but I didn’t think that much until I found his wanker bag”
Person A “So what did you do?”
Person B “I ran out of that apartment building as fast as I could obviously”

by Skeeoung April 13, 2024

Mustard nugs

Mustard nugs is used to describe that disgusting stuff smokers get between their teeth.

Person A “I thought he was a cool smoker yk?”

Person B “Me too, but then I saw him smile with his mustard nugs and I just kinda left”

by Skeeoung April 13, 2024