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Cant fight city hall

meaning its pointless to try and fight against whatever may be happening, be it losing a job, flunking a class, or breaking up with a girlfriend/boyfriend. Something
that is completely inevitable trying to fight against it happening is like taking on city hall, you will lose every time. City hall cant be beaten people, it just cant.

Guy 1: Wow so she broke up with you huh?
Guy 2: Yeh just broke the whole thing off, never really said why.
Guy: Think it was because your penis is so small?
Guy 1: Well mayby either way you cant fight city hall. Besides other women dont think that, take your mom for instance.
Guy 2: *punches Guy 1 in the face*

Worker 1: Son of a bitch! They changed policy again?!? I cant stand working here!
Worker 2: Yeh well what are you gonna do, you cant fight city hall.
Worker 1: Yeh your right, it could be worse at least my wife hasnt gained 20 lbs for every year we have been married, like your's has,...
Worker 2: *kicks worker 1 in the crotch as hard as he can*

Guy 1: Wow so she broke up with you huh?
Guy 2: Yeh just broke the whole thing off, never really said why.
Guy: Think it was because your penis is so small?
Guy 1: Well mayby either way you cant fight city hall. Besides other women dont think that, take your mom for instance.
Guy 2: *punches Guy 1 in the face*

Worker 1: Son of a bitch! They changed policy again?!? I cant stand working here!
Worker 2: Yeh well what are you gonna do, you cant fight city hall.
Worker 1: Yeh your right, it could be worse at least my wife hasnt gained 20 lbs for every year we have been married, like your's has,...
Worker 2: *kicks worker 1 in the crotch as hard as he can*

by Skidmark McGee February 7, 2007

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a very rare marine creature that instead of 8 long tenticles has 8 long cocks, each more than capable of performing in a variety of sexual situations.

This creature was labeled as extinct in the late 20th Century, but scientists have routinely observed it in it's natural habitat. Google it up, preferably while at work and with your supervisor(s)looking on, (it will show them how smart you are).

The cocktapus awoke this morning to find it almost drowned overnight in a sea of gism due to 8 consecutive wet dreams.

I brought my pet cocktapus into my urologist's office the other day and he passed out when he saw it.

What the hell?? Seriously what the hell is this???

by Skidmark McGee March 8, 2007

66πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


a ridiculous type of math that people who are losers provide definitions about on a website created for terms that are relevant in everyday conversation to peers
(urban dictionary). These same losers also find it relevant to mention the different types of calculus and who defined it as if that is important. Unless you are a math
major or engineering major then learning calculus has no meaning or purpose to you. And if you do have those subjects as actual majors then you prolly are a
20-something virgin who has never been on a date before with a real live member of the opposite sex.

Nerd: I find equations that use the "chain rule" in calculus to be the most satisfying to solve.
Normal person: Wow, have you ever had sex with a real person?
Nerd: Sadly, no I havent.
Normal person: wow, (yawn) thats a big surprise.

by Skidmark McGee February 16, 2007

109πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

Cockface McSmellass

not just your normal cockface, one who goes above and beyond the call of "duty" to bring new heights and new meaning to the insult of cockface. Examples include pissing AND vomiting on a friends couch when extremely intoxicated, fucking a friend's sister AND girlfriend within the same relative time period, and flunking out of two separate college's after having been awarded and athletic scholarship twice.

Dude 1: So you were pretty wasted last night?
Cockface McSmellass: Yup, pissed and vomited all over myself and Mike's couch.
Dude 1: Truly a Cockface McSmellass.

Yo dude you mind if I bang your sister??
Sorry man Cockface McSmellass over there already beat you to it.

Cockface McSmellass is at it again folks.

by Skidmark McGee March 14, 2007

25πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland Browns

perhaps the worst franchise in the NFL next to the Raiders, Lions or Cardinals. A team with a dedication to losing that is almost mind boggling, even when the
team makes the right move in signing a good player they get hurt, (see Lecharles Bently). The NFL should never have resurrected this franchise, it should have
gone to a better city, like Las Vegas or San Antonio. GO STEELERS !!

Guy 1: Hey I got tickets to the Browns game, wana go?
Guy 2: Nah I am gonna sneak into the zoo and try to hand feed the polar bears.
Guy 1: Wow thats alot better then watching the Browns blow another one, can I come?
Guy 2: Sure but make sure you tie the food to your body,
Guy 1: Alright! This is gonna be great!

Gee what a surprise the Cleveland Browns lost again to the Steelers, what is the 6th time in a row? How is that a rivalry?

Cleveland Steamer was originated in Cleveland because Browns fans had to come up with something to release the stress of ALWAYS losing.

Publish this.

by Skidmark McGee March 14, 2007

133πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž

Farty McPoopbottom

Basically as the word would imply, someone who has uncontrollable bodily functions in the area of flatulence and poopy stink. Someone who at any given time is known to release copious amounts of both stink farts and smelly poop, or both at the same time.

Farty McPoopbottom's usually tend to be somewhat overweight, but there are rare occasions when a normal size person may become a Farty McPoopbottom.

Guy 1: Man that movie was terrible.
Guy 2: Yeh seriously.
Guy 3: Hey did either one of you guys go in the bathroom at all? Smelled like Farty McPoopbottom in there.
Guy 2: Yeh it made me wana throw up it was so bad.
Guy 1: I didnt really think it smelled that bad.
Guy 3: Yeh well look at what your mom does to your home bathroom on a daily basis, no wonder it didnt smell that bad to you.
*Guy 1 punches Guy 3 in the face*

by Skidmark McGee August 24, 2007

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

girls night out

a typical girl's night out consists of a bunch of girl's getting completely dressed up, including but not limited to excessively slutty or overdone makeup, then going out to a club/bar type place to then get completely wasted all the while flirting with unsuspecting single men while their husband/boyfriends remain none the wiser.

Please also note girls night out does not have to include alcohol or a bar/club, if a moderate amount of male bashing goes on including but not limited to the boyfriend/husband, then a girls night out has occured.

If the girls night out does include a bar/club it should also include having gullible lonely men pay for drinks as well.

Dumb Girl 1: Hey ladies its been a while time for a girls night out!!
Dumb Girl 2: Yeh lets hit up the club this Friday and leave the guys at home!
Dumb Girl 3: Alright! I finally have an excuse to wear that slutty shirt I bought last fall!

Random Boyfriend with sense observing conversation: Uhh the last time you went out like that, you came home drunk as hell, with some random numbers stuffed in your purse.

Dumb Girl (doesnt matter which one): Shutup idiot! we had to give them something for paying for all the drinks. Duh.

Boyfriend: Oh okay, so its okay for me to go out and have some idiot pay for my drinks and give out my number in return then?

Dumb Girl: If you do that I will rip off your balls, fry them in oil and feed to the dog.

Boyfriend: yeh,...okay,...sounds fair.

by Skidmark McGee May 16, 2008

176πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž