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indie girl

The meaning of "indie" has changed so much. It used to mean "independent," and it was all about being yourself. Now, most people are so caught up with being "indie," they can't see that they're actually not indie. An "indie" girl is a girl who opposes anything of the mainstream. If you're a girl that doesn't listen to mainstream music (which is music signed onto major record labels, like Paramore, and All Time Low), doesn't dress like the mainstream (you don't wear gay crap like Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch), then you are basically what this world thinks is indie. But, if you are a true indie girl, then you do whatever feels right. Maybe you do listen to Paramore, and maybe you wear Hollister on occasion. But what matters is that you do it because you WANT to, NOT because it's the indie thing to do. And, besides, if ALL your friends are listening to ndie music, doesn't that make it NOT indie? There is a HUGE difference between stereotypical "indie," and true, authentic indie. :)

Ex. 1, stereotypical indie girl: "I'm so indie, posers worship me."

Ex. 2, authentic indie girl: "Indie? What the heck is that? I do what I feel like doing. Is that so bad?"

by SkirtGirl:3 May 1, 2011

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