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1. v. To kill a deity or god, using prefix dei (meaning god) and suffix cide (meaning kill)

2. n. A popular death metal band that was adored by many, but also disliked by many, as well.

3. n. An MMORPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game) that contains elements from many other popular MMORPG's, but is a game all of it's own, although not known of by many people. Characters choose which path (out of four) to take in their careers, which is determined by how the character fights monsters. The four paths (Close-range, Long-Range, Black Magic, and White Magic) all contain their own unique skills that players learn while working to determind their class, which is created depending on which skills players use the most.

1. It is impossible for a human to commit deicide, as gods are immortal.

2. We went to a concert and saw Deicide

3. I stayed up all night playing Deicide, and I was able to raise my White Magic skills to level 15, as well as my Long-Range skills to 11.

by Skopz June 25, 2007

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