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A Pronoun; DIRT~STAR, Overly exaggerated, commonly DECIEVING form of thing that is even remotely Good for the soul. Should have irremovabal Mr. Yuck stickers plasterd all over it's outer covering. When you want to really picture Randy anywhere remotely around You, your children or your family pets, Think Narcisistic Sociopath (look it up people) Think lime green, Think Mr. Yuck..Think of your keys going missing only to find your car has been thrashed and important things have gone missing..Think of your cell phone and how much you value your contacts , then Think of it missing only to find later that RANDY has seethed through your phone, called your contacts and allianated you, and brutally slandard and lied to every single one of them, ABOUT YOU! SO Yeah! Think Lies., Think of the word CU--T..and how much you love to hear it spoken in your earshot! let alone your children or pets.. then Think of more LIES, And how much you like LIVING ONE, BECAUSE, by allowing Randy into your Inersanctum you will continually be asking yourself if you are! .(and you know what that answer will be!)..When you Think you have to Think of Randy. Think ...of taking a huge dump. Think of running the other direction, Think of The color yellow, it's yield for slow the heck down ; precaution. And if your unlucky enough to come close to Randy..Run, don't walk...to a real safe place, untill the coast is clear# keep the devil Far...far....and AWAY!

life is precious! Live WISE!


Run children, run as fast as you can! Grab Rufus and your little sister and lock the door behind you! Here comes Randy,!

Now do as I say! Oh dear! ..

I'll save the horses!

by SkrillaG March 1, 2018