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skin a dog

to give a mean blow job. this term derives its origin from glen burnie maryland.

That bitch does know how to skin a dog!

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

8👍 16👎


Its the most epic or brutal fart known to existence.

He was just sitting there when a beef-raper blew his asshole out!

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

6👍 5👎


strong armed with a fist full of shit. Typically straight to the mouth, but can be applied other places too. This term derives its origin from glen burnie, maryland.

Yo that mutha fucka just got straight Schwarzenegger'd! Man thats alot of shit!

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

8👍 7👎

crust goblin

what a bitch looks like after she got rambo'd or the jizz residue on a hooker's mouth.

"Man get this crust goblin outta my sight, its makin me sick!"

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

7👍 4👎

George Clinton Tea Bagged

Being draped in the face with the funkiest taint or nut-sac around.

"Damn man you stink. You smell like you got GEORGE CLINTON TEA BAGGED!" This term is derived from teh mean streets of baltimore city.

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

14👍 11👎

the deener

Coming from Pasadena Maryland. Typically an area with lots of rednecks. Who often say "Pasadeener"

"Whats goin down in the deener?"

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

10👍 3👎


sneaks it in the back door and then when hes just about finished, he comes around the front full blast and outta control!

"damn bitch! you a mess! like your ass got rambo'd"
this term originates from the mean streets of glen burnie maryland.

by SlappyMeats February 26, 2007

12👍 8👎