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A word that was originally meant to describe embarrassingly stupid individuals & actions.
You know the feeling you get when you hear those really weird embarrassing stories in the news? Thats what the word was originally used for.

Now this word has been completely butchered & overkilled by internet trolls, cyber bullies, anti-bronies, & keyboard warriors.
Thanks to all the trolls on the internet who constantly misuse/overuse this word, the word cringe is now a cringeworthy word.

People who use the word cringe alot tend to be covering up something cringeworthy about themselves.

The Cringe Channel (aka anti-bronies, trolls, cyber bullies, unite!) has completely butchered the word Cringe.

You keep using the word 'cringe'. I dont think it means what you think it means.

Troll: The cringe is strong with this one.

Troll: you make me cringe

While there are many bronies who actually are cringeworthy, anti-bronies use the word cringe to describe all people who like Friendship is Magic

by SlashinatorZ December 1, 2014

490👍 258👎

Clean cut

A stereotypical clean cut guy has short combed hair, clean shaven face, well dressed, clean breath, & does not smoke.
Having a healthy diet & being smooth below the neck add points.

Businessmen, politicians, Mormons, & models are usually clean cut.

Metrosexual guys are the most clean cut.

Examples of the opposite of clean cut are hobos, rednecks, slobs, & sailors.

Why did a girl as gorgeous as you end up with this slob when you had 2 clean cut hansom guys that wanted you?

I dont get it, Im nice, intelligent, clean cut, why cant I get this job or get a girl?

by SlashinatorZ March 21, 2013

356👍 75👎

Nostalgia goggles

A metaphor for someone viewing something in the past as much better than it actually was refusing to remember how bad something may have been.

People wearing nostalgia goggles usually wanna go back in time & live in a certain period again, forgetting everything wrong with that time period.

Nostalgia goggle users often prefer old crappy versions of TV shows & movies they grew up watching rather than the new & improved versions.

Ex 1: a Dragonball fan who grew up with the Ocean Dub that hates the Funimation dub for being different is wearing nostalgia goggles, refusing to admit the Funi dub is much more professional & authentic than the amateur sounding Ocean dub.

Ex 2: a woman who grew up watching My Little Pony who hates Friendship is Magic for being different has a bad case of nostalgia goggles.

Ex 3: an old person who thinks the 1950s were much better than the present day in every way & wishes to go back is wearing nostalgia goggles, forgetting that we had half the conveniences, technology, development, infrastructure, movies, etc we do today.

Old Russian: our motherland isnt what it used to be. I miss the Soviet Union & I think we should go back. Turn full communist again & take back the republics.
Normal Russian: I agree some things were better back then but take off the nostalgia goggles. We were like North Korea back then. This was a terrible place to live, we were just more unified & patriotic then.

by SlashinatorZ January 18, 2015

56👍 11👎

The Cringe Channel

A popular internet channel which was originally intended to expose the stupidity in modern culture & make fun of all the stupid people out there who deserve it.

Since then it has become a stronghold for the very scum they claim to be fighting against.
It has become a complete hive for Internet trolls, Cyber-bullies, Anti-bronies, & Keyboard Warriors.

All they do is make fun of Bronies now. & while there are indeed many mentally disturbed bronies who are an embarrassment to their fandom, The Cringe Channel uses them to portray all people who watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as that, instead of acknowledging that people like Cloppers really are just a few bad apples.

The Cringe Channel is cringeworthy itself & has completely butchered the word "cringe"

"I used to like the Cringe Channel & laugh at the idiots they exposed but now all they do is talk shit about bronies. Not just the weird ones, but all of them. I like MLP but Im not a damn clopper. Fuck the Cringe Channel!"

The Cringe Channel is to Anti-Bronies what Equestria Daily is to Bronies.

by SlashinatorZ December 17, 2014

55👍 104👎


Someone who hates My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic & anyone who likes it.

Anti-Bronies are internet trolls that are worse than what they make Bronies out to be.
They are ignorant, hateful, disrespectful, immature, assholes who never grew up.
They are close minded, sexist, homophobic, fat shaming, autistic-hating, bigots who are beyond hypocritical.
They use more homophobic insults than the Westboro Baptist Church does & even make them look reasonable by comparison.
They hate everyone with Autism & use constantly Autistic people as an insult.
They tend to be fans of either Fox News or The Cringe Channel & have butchered the word cringe.

Many Anti-Bronies ironically fit many of the stereotypes they constantly use against Bronies.

They rely solely on hate speech, over-used stereotypes that have been debunked a million times, & ignorant accusations that have no credible evidence to back them.

While there are no doubt many mentally disturbed Bronies out there who fit those stereotypes (see Clopper), what Anti-Bronies fail to understand is that those are just bad apples & that all fanbases have weird fans.

The closest thing to a reasonable Anti-Brony is an Ex-Brony cause at least they know what they're talking about.

Anti-Bronies are nothing more than bullies who've never had an original thought in their lives.

What are the differences between Cyber Bullies, Anti Bronies, Internet Trolls, & Keyboard Warriors?

I'll hang out with a Clopper over an Anti-Brony any day.

Mr Garrison: Okay children lets start the day with some critical thinking, what are the things wrong with the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?
Anti-Brony: uhh uhh poniez r gay! uhuhuhuhu & broniez r fat! uhuhuhuh & poniez suck! uhuhuhuh & broniez r pedifiles! uhuhuhuh
Mr Garrison: Now can we get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard?
Brony: It is a great show but I can show you some plotholes, inconsistencies, & even some poor morals that it has taught.
Mr Garrison: Give that man a cookie!

Reporter: So let me get this straight Mr McBrony. You live in the city, you've been watching Friendship is Magic since it's premier, you've worn pony merchandise everyday for 4 years, & you've never gotten any trouble from an Anti-Brony?

How do you avoid haters under these conditions?
McBrony: Simple, I dont use the internet.

Friend: "You really shouldnt watch My Little Pony dude, it seems really gay & weird for a man to watch a show for little girls."

Brony: "It's a great show man, also you're starting to sound like an Anti-Brony"

Friend: "Do not call me a Anti-Brony! Im not a lowlife piece of trash like them. I just think it's weird."

by SlashinatorZ January 2, 2015

99👍 112👎

Anti Brony

Someone who actively hates My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic & anyone who likes it.

Anti-Bronies are a group of internet trolls that are worse than what they make bronies out to be.
They are ignorant, hateful, disrespectful, immature, assholes who never grew up.
They are close minded, sexist, homophobic, fat shaming, autistic-hating bigots who are beyond hypocritical.
They use more homophobic insults than the Westboro Baptist Church|Westboro Baptists do & even make them look reasonable by comparison.
They hate people with autism & use autistic people as an insult.
They tend to be fans of The Cringe Channel & have butchered the word cringe.

Many anti bronies fit many of the stereotypes they constantly use against bronies.

They rely solely on the most over-used insults the English language had to offer, over-used stereotypes that have been debunked a million times, & ignorant accusations that have no credible evidence to back them.

While there are no doubt many mentally disturbed bronies out there who fit those stereotypes, what anti bronies fail to understand is that those are just bad apples & that all fanbases have weird fans.

Anti-Bronies are nothing more than cyber-bullies.

Cyber bullies, anti bronies, internet trolls, keyboard warriors, what are the differences?

I'll hang out with cloppers over anti bronies any day.

Mr Garrison: Hello class now can anyone tell me what is so despicable about Friendship is Magic?
Anti-Brony: uhh uhh poniez r gay! uhuhuhuhu & bronies r fat! uhuhuhuh
Mr Garrison: Now can we get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard?
Brony: There is nothing despicable about the show but I can show you some plotholes, inconsistencies, & even some poor morals that it has taught.
Mr Garrison: Give that man a cookie!

Anti Brony: see cyber bully, internet troll, or bigot for answers.

Reporter: So let me get this straight Mr McBrony, you've been a fan of MLP from the beginning, you've worn pony merchandise everyday for 4 years , & you've never gotten any trouble from an anti brony? How do you avoid haters under these conditions?
McBrony: Simple, I dont use the internet.

by SlashinatorZ December 17, 2014

47👍 70👎


A form of government that controls every aspect of people's lives, tells the people what to think, & brutally punishes anyone who's a flaw in the system or disagrees with the government.
Examples of totalitarian countries are Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, North Korea, Maoist China, Saddam's Iraq, & Ayatollah's Iran.

Someone who thinks the government should control every aspect of the people's lives. Someone who thinks every problem in the country should be taken care of by the government.

A parent that watches their kid like a hawk 24/7, tells them what to think, punishes their kids if they don't agree with them, looks at every message their kid sends or receives, & doesn't let their kid do anything alone.

A boyfriend that reads every message his girlfriend sends or receives, constantly watches his girlfriend, thinks he owns her, hurts her when she talks to another guy, & decides who she can & cant be friends with.

Totalitarians are scum.

I hope that totalitarian regime is brought down.

My parents are totalitarians.

Girls if your boyfriend is a totalitarian then dump him & slap him.

by SlashinatorZ June 16, 2012

74👍 22👎