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Stump Gut

Having a gut so large, one is able to rest it on a platform of some sort (e.g. A tree stump).

My boss has such a FUPA he can stump gut midgets.

Your FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area) is to extreme, I bet you could stump gut that goat.

by SlyD0g March 27, 2013


A description for a magnificently attractive, or useful vagina.

Magnificunt is a combination of the words 'magnificent' and cunt.

"Bro, Her pussy was so perfect, it looked like the was air-brushed."

"Mate, That's magnificunt."

by SlyD0g April 23, 2013

8👍 1👎

Jewentines Day

Jewentines Day is the Saturday before Valentines Day (The 14th Of February).

As getting a booking at a decent restaurant is difficult and restaurants often only offer overpriced Valentines Day menus, holding Valentines Day on an alternative day (The Saturday before Valentines Day) is a good way to save money.

Husband: Happy Jewentines Day day baby!

Wife: Love you ya cheap bastard!

by SlyD0g February 10, 2019


A variation of sexual intercourse enabling the male to give the female double the girth but only half the length. This is achieved by going in with a flaccid penis folded in half.

It was like throwing a sausage down a hallway, so I gave her some good old double-half.

by SlyD0g March 5, 2017