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A very beautiful and loving mother figure no matter if you are related to her or not. She will treat you like one of her own kids and buy you food snacks drinks and anything under the sun. NO USING GD YOU PRICKS

Person 1: How is Sherry doing these days?
Person 2: SHe has been doing everything for everyone these days so she is kinda worn out

by Smallgood September 27, 2023

1👍 2👎


Tends to be a cocky prick. Thinks she is better than everyone at everything. Also tends to ruin your mental state for a while if you are trying to date her, then tries to be best friends with you after the fact. also very bummy at valorant. also will continuously flirt with you after stating multiple times that yall are "just friends"

Person 1:what happened with you and brianna
Person 2:she just wants to "be friends" yet again for the 5th time on some bs

by Smallgood September 27, 2023


a thick necked moron who tends to have a massive ego. also very thick in the rump area. trash at video games as well

Person 1: where is colby at?
Person 2: oh you mean hulk neck? I just saw his cocky ass earlier today, total fuckin dweeb

by Smallgood September 27, 2023