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pussy crushing

This term was first coined in season 15 episode 8 of South Park, “Sponsored Content”.

Pussy crushers are people who take an aggressive PC stance towards others and are extremely confrontational at the slightest remark that even begins to point towards non-PC ideology. They also go out of their way to include minorites/people with disabilities, only to use them as a social tool to wither enhance their social status or get something out of their staged generosity. In the South Park episode, PC Principal and his frat bros invite Jimmy and Nathan to their party, but ignore them the entire time and “crush pussy” instead

Chad is such a pussy crusher. It’s obvious that he’s doing it just to impress Katie. Say anything about religion and he starts talking the MOST shit about Christians and Muslims. Pussy crushing hypocrite

by SmallyBiggz January 17, 2019

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