The act of making a sexual impression on someone so you can hit them up later down the road.
Related to "planting a seed"
"Aaron stop trying to hit on Roni we have to go" -Jules
"Can't you see I was planting over there?! Whatever, at least she'll be ready for it next time I see her" -Aaron
the act of shaming your friend for sharing something to the group chat that was already sent previously
Aaron: *sends tweet link*
Chet: dude I already sent that keep up
Aaron: jeez dont share shame me, theres been a lot going on today ok
an abbreviation for "Hot Action", which is referenced when making a juicy bet
I'm up $1200 this week and am craving some Hot Tin to throw it on
Abbreviation for "Walk Away".
Commonly used instead of LOL.
When you're laughing so hard you have to Walk Away
"That's only something a TROG would say Jules" -AP
"WA WA. I can't handle you right now" -Jwiz
an establishment that is technically considered a restaurant but provides just as much liquor as food
Tito: Dude Bdubs is not a restaurant
AP: I know man it's a barstaurant, we turning up for this Blues game baby!!!
Kyle: Deadass?
Your Girl or Ya Girl.
Used to reference yourself or someone you know.
Very popular slang word in St.Louis area.
"YG is hammered right now"
"Dude I sw YG at the bar earlier and she is on one."
Associated with the word YB
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A woman or man, usually a woman, who is thicc (curvy and sexy) but also very athletic
damn did you see that girl Bianca? She mad athlethicc. She sexy and can cross anyone up.