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This amature rockstar named Brennan, nicknamed Barbie, derived from his long blond hair.
Known for his spontanious dry humor wittiness, having over 40 nicknames, knowing strange things about anything and everything, and being able to make almost anything, anything at all, into a sexual innuendo.
Known for psychotic tendancies, random hysterical actions, never backing down to a dare, knowing any song that anyone is listening to after a second of listening, and being on the radio at any given opportunity.
Writer of highly emotional aggressive or passionate songs and poetry.
Also, the guy your parents warned you about. Head HADJII, and Archdruid Bent Twig.

"Dude, Barbie is the most random wombat I have ever met, he should get his own fucking show! Dude can take anything and fuck that shit up!!"

by Snapmare March 23, 2007

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