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Conspiracy theory

Something people make up to make themselves feel like they know something others don't. Usually these made up stories are baseless, illogical conclusions. Most conspiracy theories are made up by douches, and believed by morons.

Not all conspiracy theories are false, however nearly all of them are.

It is also not uncommon for jackasses to make a show dedicated to conspiracy theories, for example The Glenn Beck show, or Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura.

It is a well-known fact by people who aren't idiots, that any show that contains a series of Conspiracy theories is going to have the majority of them wrong, if not all.

Guy1: I heard a conspiracy theory that the world is going to end in 2012, that is if Obama and George Soros don't destroy the world first!!!

Guy2: What are you talking about? How do you know any of what you're saying is true?

Guy1: I heard some guy on T.V. talking about it bro

Guy2: Have you thought about it and questioned the stupidity of these claims at all?

Guy1: Oh no! You must be an Islamic alien sent to earth by George Bush to cover up the real people behind 9/11!! You're just trying to brainwash meeeee

by Snax110 March 7, 2011

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