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The people who brought you into this world. They may suck at times but at least they love you, and if they don't I can't help you there my freind. Be lucky you have parents or you would be on the street or and orphinarium, like I grew up in, until I was adopted by foster parents. So all you people that say parents suck ass and never do anything for you, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP WHINING LITTLE CRYBABY BITCHES!. There's alot of children starving on the street, besides food, don't you think they want a home and someone that loves them?

Kid one: My dad just bought me an xbox 360 yesterday and now he is being an asshole, I hate that mother fucker.

Kid two: I wish I could get a 360, I saved up my money and got a playstation.

Kid one: Dude playstations suck ass, why didn't you just ask your dad for one?

Kid two: I don't have a dad.

Kid one: What about your mom? Couldn't she get it for you?

Kid two: My mom never got me anything exept for this cool watch, she got it at wal-mart.

Kid one: Wow you guys must really be poor.

Kid two: Ya, we don't have much.

Kid one: Well cyaz, I'm gonna go play my new xbox 360.

Kid two: Bye, asshole.... I wish I had nicer parents...

by Sniperm0n May 25, 2007

76👍 79👎


The best food on the face of the earth, although it has no nutritional value.

Corn is teh best thing in teh world!!!!!!

by Sniperm0n May 30, 2007

11👍 23👎