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A crap ass town in Northern Illinois that has horrible economy! Whitman Street is full of whores, gangs, pimps, and murders

Westside of Rockford, Whitman Street

by SnookiBear1988 May 3, 2011

100👍 379👎


A boring ass town in the country that has nothing to do besides the Mini Put place and Dairy Queen. The town officials need to put things for people to do in town.

Shirland, Rockton, and Roscoe are the most boring towns in Northern Illinois

by SnookiBear1988 May 3, 2011

104👍 84👎

Bruno Mars

A sexy singer from Honolulu, Hawaii. Also is super friggin' talented. He has some of the best songs ever and he seems really romantic

I have dreams about Bruno Mars!

by SnookiBear1988 July 30, 2011

535👍 1694👎

Winnebago County

A county in Northern Illinois that is bordered by Rock County Wisconsin to the north. There is nothing really to do besides watch cows and tp! In the main city of Rockford, there is pimps whores murders and gangbangers in the west side of town near whitman street. But in the village of Roscoe there is nothing but uptight wealthy people and wannabe rich people. Than theres pure trailer trash in towns like Loves Park and Mchesney park.

Winnebago County is soooo boring!

by SnookiBear1988 May 4, 2011

29👍 2👎


A person who gets paid to fuck a pimp for money and also gets risks of stds and unwanted pregnancies

Corner Hoppers, The only legal places for whores is in the red light district in amsterdam

by SnookiBear1988 May 3, 2011

39👍 23👎


-those people can drink their asses off
-Badgers Rock
-That 70s show best show ever
-Hottest boys come out of wisconsin
-Packers suck
-Milwaukee is friggin' awesome
-Happy Days is one of the best shows out of the 1970s
-Lake Geneva best resort town in Wisconsin
-people drinking
-can get booze underaged if a parent is their
-Brewer Suck, Go Cubs!

The hottest boys in Illinois come out of Wisconsin.

by SnookiBear1988 May 3, 2011

35👍 38👎

Boone County

Boring as hell, especially in Poplar Grove and Capron which is nothing but trailer parks! There was a tornado that hit the apple orchard. A lot of farms, best Mexican resturant Arturo's!

Every year it seems like a tornado is always in Boone County

by SnookiBear1988 July 30, 2011

16👍 4👎