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Warhammer online

A game that attracts new MMO players and old ones alike, mostly because of it's vastly superior PvP to games such as WoW (not to bash on WoW, I played that too for awhile)

Because of this gamer melting pot, the chat on non-RP servers generally consists of a WoW fanboy trolling the WAR fanboys or people bitching about the latest patches. Common complaints:

"Dude they totally nerfed all AoE with that patch, WTF"
"Shadow Warrior sucks lolololol"
"You rolled a Black Ork? HAR HAR U IS A NOOB"

*Melee DPS with a good healer gets a few kills in open RvR*

Guy who just pwned some noobs: "Woo, man, I love Marauders!"

Guy in regional chat: "wat u rolled a mara wat r u a faggot"

Marauder: "At least I'm not a tank-loving homo like yourself."

Harasser: "go back to wow, warhammer online isn't for fags liek u"

*shitstorm that lasts at least a half an hour begins*

by SnoopingasusualIsee July 27, 2009

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